Remnant II Hot Fix Notes: 400,313 12/12/2023

--Performance and Crashes--

- Fixed an issue where players would become unjoinable in multiplayer.

--Bug Fixes--

] --Archetypes-- [

== Summoner ==

- Fixed an issue where after a summon died, a new one would not be able to be summoned.

] --Gear / Items-- [

- Fixed an issue where some melee weapons were not using the correct amount of stamina.

Remnant II Patch 399,597 Notes: 12/07/23

--Performance and Crashes--

- Fixed an issue where some players were not able to load up their saves after equipping some items from The Awakened King DLC.

- Fixed various crashes related to The Awakened King DLC.

- Fixed an issue where the Ritualist Vial was destroying nearby breakables, impacting performance, and possibly crashing the game.

- Fixed an issue where rapidly swapping loadouts could potentially cause the game to crash.


--Quality of Life--

[ --Enemies-- ]

- Increased the spawn chance of Knights who drop Crimson Coins in the Red Prince dungeon.

- Updated the Trapper affix so it is no longer applied to mini-bosses.

DEVNOTE: The Sunken Witch on Apocalyptic difficulty can still potentially receive the Trapper affix, what can you say other than she’s a sadistic witch.

- Did an overall balance pass on Trapper affix.

[ --UI-- ]

- Added Summon Damage and Windup Time to Advanced Stats.


--Bug Fixes--

[ --Progression & Rewards-- ]

- Fixed an issue where defeating the One True King was not counting towards World Boss kill count for weapon reward unlocks.

- Fixed an issue where The Awakened King achievements would not fire off correctly for some players.

DEVNOTE: Players who previously completed the prerequisites required for gaining these achievements need to touch the World Stone in their world to retroactively receive them.

 - Fixed an issue where clients whose character was dead would not receive shared pickups.

[ --Archetypes-- ]

== Challenger ==

- Fixed an issue where Close Quarters Perk was testing against where Mod was equipped as opposed to player’s current location.

== Ritualist ==

- Fixed an issue where Eruption visual effects were unaffected by Amplitude Trait.

- Fixed an issue where Deathwish was taking armor value into account.

== Archon ==

- Fixed an issue where Archon Lightning could hit friendlies under certain conditions.

- Fixed an issue where Havoc Form was not being affected by movement speed modifiers.

- Fixed an issue where Havoc Form was not aiming correctly for clients.

== Gunslinger ==

- Fixed an issue where Quick Draw was not consuming the ability’s charge.

== Summoner ==

- Fixed an issue where Root Fliers would occasionally kill themselves during fight with Sha’Hala.

- Fixed an issue where the Summoner’s Archetype skill would go into cooldown despite having charges remaining.

[ --Gear / Items-- ]

- Fixed an issue where Monarch’s damage was scaling incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where players could acquire the Ragged Poppet Engram more than once.

- Fixed an issue where Ring of Spears Mod could be used while in Havoc Form.

- Fixed an issue where Monarch did not require Mod power for activation of Mods.

- Fixed an issue where a weight of 75 would switch between being considered Heavy or Medium when equipping and unequipping items.

- Fixed an issue where Energy Wall prevented users from hitting weak spots when using Plasma Cutter or Deceit weapons.

- Fixed an issue where Rusted Bulwark buffs were lost when interacting with a checkpoint while wearing Restriction Cord.

- Fixed an issue where Anguish Mod damage didn’t increase with weapon level up.

- Fixed an issue where Eulogy Mod dealt no damage to Mothermind when activated.

- Fixed an issue where Dervish mutator buff wasn’t refreshing when a skill was used before it expired.

- Fixed an issue where Burden of Warlock was not draining to correct amount of health.

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to activate Fortune Hunter while Monarch was equipped.

- Fixed an issue where Hyperconductor allowed players to activate skill then remove it with no penalty.

- Fixed an issue where Meridian was dealing damage based on the distance of the player when explosion happened, not when it was fired.

- Fixed an issue where Misfortune’s level 10 slow effect failed to be applied when equipped on the Ritualist Scythe.

- Fixed an issue where the Plasma Cutter inflicted damage on the Very Good Boy when shooting over him.

- Fixed an issue where Abyssal Hook was not working correctly with some Mutators.

- Fixed an issue where Concoctions applied while using Brewmaster’s Cork did not persist through death.

- Fixed an issue where Generating Band was not regenerating based on the correct amount of health.

- Fixed an issue where Elixir of Life did not benefit from Triage or Healing effectiveness relic fragments.

- Fixed an issue where Harmonizer’s level 10 benefit was not working.

- Fixed an issue where Feedback base and level 10 benefits were not working.

- Fixed an issue where Shield Breaker was not being generated correctly in some circumstances.

- Fixed an issue where Blessed Ring didn’t work with Tranquil Heart.

- Fixed an issue where a floating mutator was spawned when equipping the Tainted Blade Mutator.

- Fixed an issue where the level 9 Untouchable Trait value should have been 27%, not 26%.

- Fixed an issue where Overflow Mod would refresh its own Overload application.

- Fixed an issue where Tomb Dweller’s Ring handled grey health conversion incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where Plainswalker’s screen effect blinked if activated while running.

- Fixed an issue where Fire debuff could potentially linger on players with 0 seconds remaining.

- Fixed an issue where Feedback Mutator level 10 ability was not getting triggered by Merciless.

- Fixed an issue where Stonebreaker’s Faultline stamina cost was inconsistent.

- Fixed an issue where Hexahedron was missing a texture while inspecting for some players.

- Fixed an issue where Wrathbringer was missing effects trails.

- Fixed an issue where when Corrosive status effect was purged from players, it applied Overload to nearby enemies instead of Corrosive.

- Fixed an issue where Edgelord Mutator failed to increase melee charge speed for throwable weapons.

- Fixed an issue where Blood Draw Mod was doing more damage than was intended.

- Fixed an issue where Dried Clay Ring was showing up too large in world prior to picking it up.

- Fixed an issue where Blood Jewel was not being correctly affected by Affliction Trait.

- Fixed an issue where the incorrect result was occurring after receiving the Death-Soaked Idol.

- Fixed an issue where Miasma displayed the incorrect range and duration.

- Fixed an issue where Big Bang mod did not increase Spirit Healer mutator healing when using more charges.

- Fixed an issue where Top Heavy Mutator failed to increase Enigma's ranged damage.

- Fixed an issue where Chaos Driver Mod did not do increased weak spot damage.

- Fixed an issue where Smolder sprinting attack did not deal fire damage.              

- Fixed an issue where Sequenced Shot was not reducing charge time for subsequent shots.

- Fixed an issue where Sparkfire Shotgun was not playing visual or sound effects correctly.

- Fixed an issue where Savior shatter shards damage was not affected by Kinship Trait.

- Fixed an issue where Ritualist Scythe was not consuming stamina on charged attacks.

- Fixed an issue where Quick Draw would not exit Shroud.

- Fixed an issue where Creeping Mist could be self-applied if revived after using it.

- Fixed an issue where Ghost Shell Mutator didn’t work with Monarch.

- Fixed an issue where Affliction increased the shock damage of Krell Edge.

- Fixed an issue where Impact cannon shots were missing projectile VFX when held.

[ --Enemies-- ]

- Fixed an issue where Bruin, Blade of the King’s spears would insta-kill companions.

- Fixed an issue where companions would attack Fae in stone form in the Forlorn Coast.

- Fixed an issue where the Red Prince’s voice was very low when asking him specific questions.

- Fixed an issue where the Primogenitor mini-boss would remove concoction buffs on occasion.

- Fixed an issue where explosions caused by Gwendil: The Unburnt’s bombs were not visible for clients.

- Fixed an issue where the Sunken Witch could get stuck on the overhead walkways.

- Fixed an issue where the One True King was only getting one affix on Apocalyptic difficulty.

- Fixed an issue where Knights were dealing more than the intended amount of damage against the One True King.

- Fixed an issue where the Labyrinth sphere didn’t play its death animation when dying to burn damage.

- Fixed an issue where the Mangled Atoner’s health would potentially disappear mid-fight.

- Fixed an issue where aberrations with Cloner affix could potentially spawn a clone after they died.

- Fixed an issue where Dran Immolator’s interactive was incorrectly killing players on Apocalyptic difficulty.

[ --UI-- ]

- Fixed an issue where there was a typo in the description text for Monarch.

- Fixed an issue where clients would see an incorrect amount of health on Boneharvester health bar during encounter.

- Fixed an issue where there was a grammatical mistake in the description of Constrained Heart.

- Fixed an issue where there was a grammatical mistake in the description of Atonement Fold.

- Fixed an issue where the Misplaced Memoir was labeled incorrectly on pick up preview text.

- Fixed an issue where Ring of Omens description value was displaying incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue where there was a grammatical mistake in the description of Dran’s Dream item.

- Fixed an issue where the description for A'Taerii Booster did not specifically state it was only intended for ranged damage, not melee.

- Fixed an issue where the health bar for Little Gorge would sometimes not display.

[ --Misc Fixes-- ]

- Fixed various issues where players could get stuck or get out of level in the Forlorn Coast area.

- Fixed various issues with the foliage in the Forlorn Coast area.

- Fixed various visual issues in the Forlorn Coast area.

- Fixed an issue where dumbwaiter in Ravenous Siege would not open after siege was completed.

- Fixed an issue where food in Ravenous Siege would respawn after resting at World Stone after siege.

- Fixed an issue where clients would see visual effects for Kill Switch mutator if the host had it equipped near the gate area of the Blackened Citadel after Clementine destroyed it.

- Fixed an issue where players did not have the option to select “I bring news” dialogue from conversation with Leywise if they met Nimue.

- Fixed an issue where players could interact with Leywise through the ground.

- Fixed an issue where visual effects were invisible on Nebula if weapon was occluded.

- Fixed an issue where Misty Step neutral dodge would spawn trapper AoEs.

- Fixed an issue where bone piles in Harvester’s Reach weren’t displaying as broken for clients who joined after they were destroyed.

- Fixed an issue where Leywise would replay his crafting dialogue intro after defeating the One True King and experiencing the True Ending.

- Fixed an issue where Nightweaver spider crawl sound effect would continuously loop.

- Fixed an issue where Penitent’s Wall Shield sound would continuously loop sometimes.

- Fixed an issue where players could still walk around when getting killed by the explosive arrow shot from Shrewd.

- Fixed an issue where the body of the dead ritualist would cull out when looking at it.

- Fixed an issue where Nimue’s heart and crown would continue to glow after her death for clients.

- Fixed various issues with visual effects related to the One True King.

- Fixed an issue where one of the One True King’s taunt subtitles had a misspelling.

- Fixed an issue where if players were attacked while traveling through a portal, it could cause them to go flying.

Remnant II and Remnant: From the Ashes are now available on PC and Xbox Game Pass!

We’re excited to share that both Remnant II and Remnant: From the Ashes are now available on PC and Xbox Game Pass.

Even more exciting, PC Game Pass and Xbox users can play together and your cloud saves can transfer between both versions!

DLC purchased on Xbox will transfer to your PC version as well. They will require a separate install than the base game. In the Xbox app on PC, if you search for Remnant, you can view all of the content available and install the DLC packs you own from there!

Remnant II Hotfix Notes PC & PlayStation 5: 397,428

--Bug Fixes--

[--Progression & Rewards--]

- Fixed an issue where player characters would inadvertently use a consumable when exiting game or menu.

[--Gear / Items--]

- Fixed an issue where clients were unable to interact with Ritual armor rack if host was not looking at it.

- Fixed an issue where The Awakened King One Shot was not spawning rings and Trait books in the dungeons.

- Fixed an issue where some corpse dropped items were spawning underground and were unobtainable.

- Fixed an issue where the Abyssal Hook incorrectly could level up to +20, was only intended to level up to +10.

- Fixed an issue where having a 100% skill cooldown caused skills to not recharge.


- Fixed an issue where Aberrations in DLC were continually respawning after completing their quest.

- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving XP from killing new enemies in DLC.

- Fixed an issue where jumping Forgotten AoE would do more than it’s intended damage.


- Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck in collision in The Forgotten Commune.

- Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck in collision in The Derelict Lighthouse.

- Fixed an issue where players could interact with Leywise through the ground above him.

Remnant II Xbox Hotfix Notes: 397,188

--Performance and Crashes—

- Fixed an issue where players were crashing in the DLC on Xbox Series S. Most of the crashes should now be addressed.

- Fixed an issue where the Cube Gun projectile could cause a crash while fighting Bruin, Blade of the King.


--Bug Fixes—

[--Progression & Rewards--]

- Fixed an issue where the same injectable could generate twice in the Awakened King one shot

- Fixed an issue where Endaira’s End would not show up in some player’s worlds.



- Fixed an issue where Dark Pact was mislabeled as an Archetype Trait instead of a Trait

[--Gear / Items--]

- Fixed an issue where Monarch was causing friendly fire damage.

- Fixed an issue where Crimson Guard armor failed to appear when inspecting.

- Fixed an issue where Energized Neck Coil would apply damage with every application of a status effect.

- Fixed an issue where clients were unable to interact with Ritual armor rack if host was not looking at it.

- Fixed an issue where The Awakened King One Shot was not spawning rings and Trait books in the dungeons.

- Fixed an issue where some corpse dropped items were spawning underground and were unobtainable.

- Fixed an issue where the Abyssal Hook incorrectly could level up to +20, was only intended to level up to +10.

- Fixed an issue where having a 100% skill cooldown caused skills to not recharge.



- Fixed an issue where the Forgotten were doing too much damage.

- Fixed an issue where Aberrations in DLC were continually respawning after completing their quest.

- Fixed an issue where players were not receiving XP from killing new enemies in DLC.


- Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck in collision in The Forgotten Commune.

- Fixed an issue where players were getting stuck in collision in The Derelict Lighthouse.

Remnant II Hot Fix Notes: 396,960

--Performance and Crashes--

- [Epic] Fixed an issue where purchased DLC was not verifying ownership, thus not showing content in game.

- [PlayStation 5] Fixed an issue preventing some players from joining friends’ games.

- Fixed an issue where the Cube Gun projectile could cause a crash while fighting Bruin, Blade of the King.


--Bug Fixes--

[--Progression & Rewards ]

- Fixed an issue where the same injectable could generate twice in the Awakened King one shot

- Fixed an issue where Endaira’s End would not show up in some player’s worlds.



- Fixed an issue where Dark Pact was mislabeled as an Archetype Trait instead of a Trait

[--Gear / Items--]

- Fixed an issue where Monarch was causing friendly fire damage.

- Fixed an issue where Crimson Guard armor failed to appear when inspecting.

- Fixed an issue where Energized Neck Coil would apply damage with every application of a status effect.


- Fixed an issue where the Forgotten were doing too much damage.

Remnant II Patch 396,261 Notes: 11/14/23

== The Awakened King DLC Launched ==


--Quality of Life--

[ -General- ]

-          Added matchmaking regions. You will be prompted for your region on first startup and can change it later if necessary. When you are searching for a public game, it will only show users in your region, and your region will determine which users can see your public games. Friends’ games are always visible, regardless of region settings.

-          Fixed an issue where player’s data wasn’t always saved when a host quit or kicked them from a session.

[ -Enemies- ]

-          Increased global spawn rate for aberrations.

--Bug Fixes--

[ -Progression & Rewards- ]

-          Fixed an issue where “Carnage in C-Minor” Achievement was not able to be acquired.

-          Fixed an issue where Scroll of Binding was not able to be acquired.

[ -Archetypes- ]

= Engineer =

-          Fixed an issue where Flamethrower Turret projectile was misaligned.

= Handler =

-          Fixed an issue where a player could be executed while very good boy was reviving them and cause the player to become immobilized.

= Archon =

-          Fixed an issue where some enemies would not take damage from Havoc Form’s Lightning Tendrils attack.

[ -Gear / Items- ]

-          Fixed an issue where Fae Shaman Ring was not working as intended with Dense Silicon Ring.

-          Fixed an issue where One-Eyed Joker amulet was affecting projectiles heading direction

-          Fixed an issue where Energized Neck Coil would play explosion vfx incorrectly in multiplayer.

-          Fixed an issue where Rotted Arrow mod explosion was negated when shooting metal fence in some location in Losomn.

-          Fixed an issue where Crescent Moon Moonlight Barrage mod failed to return to player when Hunter’s Shroud skill was active.

-          Fixed an issue where Merciless Bleed was incorrectly triggering with Bandit Mutator.

-          Fixed an issue where players were able to bypass some doors using World’s Edge charge attack.

-          Fixed an issue where Tomb Dweller’s ring was not stacking 3 times.

-          Fixed an issue where Corrupted Meridian was not scaling correctly with intended damage type.

-          Fixed an issue where Corrupted Shards could be sold to vendors, this was not the intention and has been removed.

-          Fixed an issue where Corrupted Merciless was not applying Bleed when Bloodshot mod was active.

-          Fixed an issue where Shocker mutator didn’t scale with weapon level or show as active when charged.

-          Fixed an issue where Energy Wall mod was emitting bright lights when mod power was full.

-          Fixed an issue where Fae Bruiser ring was triggering on destroying breakables.

-          Fixed an issue where Killswitch mod wasn’t requiring a switch to ranged weapon to proc and damage wasn’t scaling off of weapon level.

-          Fixed an issue where Sequenced Shot would not proc correctly, now it requires all subsequent shots to be charged shots to proc.

-          Fixed an issue where some items would persist across all worlds and not be able be picked up.

-          Fixed an issue where kills with Scattershot would not proc fragmented shot.

-          Fixed an issue where Beta Ray mod had an increased range when attached to an enemy.

-          Fixed an issue where Detonation Trigger was not applying the correct damage with Corrupted and regular versions of Aphelion mod.

[ -Enemies- ]

-          Fixed an issue where aberration in Twisted Chantry would not path to player correctly on stairs.

-          Fixed an issue where Trapper affix was not being removed once the aberration was defeated.

-          Fixed an issue where the Cube Boss would glitch creating a safe spot.

-          Fixed an issue where the Custodian’s Eye VFX would linger after death.

-          Fixed an issue where Shaed Knight’s auras were not visible to clients.

-          Fixed an issue where Gwendil: The Unburnt’s bombs were not able to be shot while in her hand.

-          Fixed an issue where Metaphysical Tal’Ratha was unable to have Burn status applied to him.

-          Fixed an issue where the Fae Praetor couldn’t be hit while being kicked away after grabbing a player.

-          Fixed an issue where Root Flyers could grab players while on elevators and get stuck.

[ -UI- ]

-          Fixed an issue where some Mods did not update their descriptions when equipping rings that changed Mod Damage.

-          Fixed an issue where some aberrations were missing their health bar.

-          Fixed an issue where the doorway to the Lost Temple in the Faithless Thicket was showing up as a side dungeon in the minimap.

[ -Misc Fixes- ]

-          Fixed an issue where some collision could trap players on Yaesha.

Remnant II: The Awakened King DLC is released!

In this new DLC for REMNANT II, The One True King has awakened and is out for blood. Corrupted by the Root during his near-death slumber, the mad king sees betrayal at every turn and is on a rampage of revenge. Since his castle first arrived in a Dran coastal town, the tides are angry and the weather is chaotic, surfacing all manner of creatures from the depths and leaving many mysteries in its wake. In a brand new storyline, survivors must uncover the secrets behind The One True King by exploring a mysterious new area within the world of Losomn. In this strange new location, survivors will traverse new dungeons, acquire powerful equipment, meet unexpected allies and face new threats in their adventure to reach The One True King and defeat him once and for all.

Players that own the DLC, can access it by going to the World Stone, choosing “Adventure Mode” then selecting “The Awakened King”. If players choose to experience the DLC through the Campaign instead, the DLC is added seamlessly to the main campaign and may or may not appear like any other storyline upon rolling a new campaign.

A unique feature of The Awakened King DLC, as well as all upcoming Remnant DLCs, is that players without the DLC can still engage in the storyline by teaming up with those who own it. However, to make use of any DLC-specific items they acquire, they will need to purchase the DLC themselves.

Below is a detailed list of features for The Awakened King:

• New Storyline, Dungeons and Area Based in the World of Losomn: Delve deeper into the land realm of Losomn and experience a brand new storyline about the One True King - whose mind has been poisoned by the Root and is out for revenge against those who oppose him.

• New Archetype - The Ritualist: Leveraging status effects to punish foes, this new Archetype is a master of pain and suffering. More details on the Archetype will be revealed closer to the DLC's launch.

• Many Items and Powerful Weapons that Enhance Gameplay: Outfit your survivor to take on survive this more deadly version of the world of Losomn by choosing from a host of new weapons and modifications, along with new items, like amulets and rings.

• New Bosses, Characters and Fearsome Creatures to Encounter: Mysterious threats and survivors, of unknown origin, emerge from the ocean depths and roam the streets bringing new challenges for all players.

Remnant II Hot Fix 394,846 Notes: 11/01/23

Remnant II Hot Fix 394,846 Notes: 11/01/23

—Bug Fixes—

[- Online -]

- Fixed an issue where some Steam players were incorrectly notified that they needed to link their Steam account to an Epic account to play online.

DEV NOTE: There is no requirement to link a Steam account to an Epic account to play Remnant II online. This message was incorrectly occurring for a small portion of players and preventing them from connecting to multiplayer games.

[- UI -]

- Added a warning if using RivaTuner, as it could potentially cause the game to crash.

DEV NOTE: This warning message will only show up if RivaTuner is actively running. If it is, it will often cause Remnant II to crash immediately, however in some cases the crash is delayed. There has been some confirmation that the latest version and beta versions of RivaTuner have been compatible with Remnant II and won’t cause a crash, however each PC is different. This message about RivaTuner can be disabled.