Remnant II PC DX12 Errors

Missing D3D12Core.dll (Thanks to Dresk on the Steam Forums)

Search on your PC for the following file: C:\Windows\system32\D3D12Core.dll

If you do not have this file, Windows Update failed to install it, or your windows is out of date. If you are out of date on Windows 10, please run windows update. After it’s completed, look for the file above. If that is still missing, you will need to download a windows update to install Agility on your system.

To find out what version of windows you have, type winver in the windows search bar or hold down the Windows Key, pressing R, and typing winver in the box that pops up (followed by enter.)

The 2nd line will say “Version” followed by your installed version of Windows.

If you have 2004 or 20H2, use this link: :

On this page, you want the update for 2004, for x64 (64bit), cumulative update, non-server version. On the page that update has this exactly for the line :

2021-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based Systems (KB4601319)

If you have 20H2, look for this line :

2021-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 20H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4601319)


AMD GPU Users(Thanks to Cupcake and Chaoz)

This error is related to outdated/incorrect drivers.

If you are on legacy, use these versions:
-21.4.1 -
-21.5.2 -

If you are not legacy, use:

-23.7.1 -

After installing, you may be told you need to update the drivers, choose “No”.


Nvidia GPU User

Step 1: Make sure your Windows is up-to-date, and you've got the latest drivers installed.

Step 2: If that doesn't do the trick, here's something else you can try (this is for Nvidia, but let us know if you're having this issue with other graphic cards):

  • Install the latest Nvidia driver (make sure to tick the "clean install" checkbox)

  • Restart your computer after the video driver install

  • If needed (give the game a shot first), uninstall the game completely, then reinstall it

Step 3: If none of the above help, some folks have found success by installing the Nvidia Studio Driver instead of the Game Ready Driver.

Step 4: Oddly enough, adding -d3d12 to the command line has solved the issue for some people, even though it's the exact opposite of what the error message suggests.

Supported Hardware and Software

  • Officially Supported OS is Windows 10/11 (Latest update 22H2) (Windows Needs to be updated (Direct X12 updates are tied to Windows update, Microsoft doesn't allow standalone installs for updated DX12 libraries)

  • Oldest/Lowest Officially Supported AMD GPU is an RX 590 / GTX 1650 for Nvidia (Integrated GPUs Unsupported)

  • GPU Drivers Updated (Most important as they also contain stability fixes/feature updates for other games as well)

  • DX11 isn't supported (This is an Unreal 5.2 game utilizing shader model 6 so DX12 is mandatory for it to run)

Known Issues that are being looked into further

  • Intel 13 series CPU with Nvidia 40xx series cards being unstable (Had issues with these systems also crashing with other Recently Released Unreal Engine 5 Games, looking into fixes)

  • Intel Arc Cards displaying Graphical Glitching/Crashing (Intel is aware of this and is working an fix/driver update, sadly we have no date of when this is released)

  • Crashing on Startup (A popup window will display, Please submit these crash reports by clicking "Send and Close" These are used by the Devs to identify the errors)

  • Future patches are to come to address any further issues

Remnant II : PC Patch #382873 Notes


•             Progression Blocker Fix for Labyrinth cinematic crashing and key not being awarded.

•             Progression Blocker Fix for exiting out of first lab cinematic and not receiving the zone door keys.

•             Progression Blocker Fix for Water Harp lever no longer working

•             Progression Blocker Fix where Nightweaver Web would consume items you need for quest puzzles. If an item was consumed it should now be back in your inventory.

•             Added fix for performance hitch leaving menu, and irregular bloom that sometimes happened when you exit menu.

•             Added fix for starting to link the epic account and aborting causing the link popup to appear each time you launch the game until you link.

•             Added fix for Ultimate Edition players not receiving Gunslinger Engram in game if they didn't start with Gunslinger.

•             Added fix for player possibly becoming invisible when using Labyrinth portal.

•             Added fix to prevent host’s save getting changed if they quit out the game while dead and then joined someone else’s game.

•             Toned down the player VO comments.

Remnant II: An update on the known PlayStation 5 friend issue for Early Access players

We'd like to share an update regarding the issue some PlayStation 5 Early Access players have encountered with joining their friends’ games.  

Ideally, joining a friend in Multiplayer should be as straightforward as navigating to the World Stone, selecting 'Join Game', and finding your friend's name in the list of available multiplayer worlds. Your friends' games will display their gamer handles and world location, making them easily distinguishable from other public worlds, which only show the world location. Games hosted by friends are prioritized, so if a friend is online and playing, their world should appear in your list. 

However, we acknowledge that some players on PlayStation 5 have reported not being able to see their friends' games within the ‘Join Game’ menu. We want to reassure you that we are well aware of this problem and are working relentlessly to rectify it. 

Please note, to access the co-op multiplayer feature, you must first complete the tutorial in the game. 

Remnant II: Technical Information and Troubleshooting

--General Info--

Here's a list of fixes for some common issues players have come across while playing the game. We'll be sorting out, updating, and looking after the game after launch, but for now, we're putting out some quick fixes so you can get back to enjoying the game!

If you come across any more problems, give us a shout. We're always on the lookout for issues, ready to help you out, and prepping fixes for our first patch.

--General Performance--

We've heard from a few folks about the game's overall performance. We're definitely going to roll out performance updates after the game's launch. But for the sake of transparency, we designed the game with upscaling in mind (DLSS/FSR/XeSS). So, if you leave the Upscaling settings as they are (you can hit 'reset defaults' to get them back to normal), you should have the smoothest gameplay.

You're free to tweak other settings for better performance – changes to Shadow Settings will make the biggest difference besides Upscaling.

Still having trouble with the game's performance even after using our recommended settings? Just let us know. We're here to help sort out any issues you're facing.

--Game Requires DX12 Error--

Step 1: Make sure your Windows is up-to-date, and you've got the latest drivers installed.

Step 2: If that doesn't do the trick, here's something else you can try (this is for Nvidia, but let us know if you're having this issue with other graphic cards):

Install the latest Nvidia driver (make sure to tick the "clean install" checkbox)

Restart your computer after the video driver install

If needed (give the game a shot first), uninstall the game completely, then reinstall it

Step 3: If none of the above help, some folks have found success by installing the Nvidia Studio Driver instead of the Game Ready Driver.

Step 4: Oddly enough, adding -d3d12 to the command line has solved the issue for some people, even though it's the exact opposite of what the error message suggests.

—AMD GPU DX12 Issues—

We’ve had folks report that the following drivers address their AMD GPU DX12 issues:

If you are on legacy use these versions:


If you are not legacy use this:


When you install, even if the game tells you to update click “no”.

--Out Of Memory when Loading (4090 + others)--

This problem seems to pop up more often with 4090s and specifically 13900k Chips. But it might also happen with other models. If you encounter this issue, let us know what hardware you're using.

Some people have had limited luck with the following steps:

-Start the game in Windows 8 Compatibility Mode

-Load the game

-Tweak/Lower your Graphics Settings

-Exit, then start the game normally (not in Windows 8 Compatibility)

-Load the game (if this works, great!)

-Go back to Graphics Settings and adjust the settings again.

Other people have had success just disabling overclocking. This is something we are still looking into, though in many cases people who get this error are getting it in other games as well. We will update this if we come up with any other solutions.

—Hardcore Rewards—

Rewards in Hardcore mode can be found on vendors in Ward 13 after they are unlocked.

—Ar750 Graphics Card owners—

We have identified a rendering issue with Arc750 graphics cards.  We are working hard to fix this issue for the general game branch, but in the meantime you can change your steam build to Beta_Arc750.  This beta branch will fix the issue (though has issues with other cards so you should only use it if you have the Arc750).  You can pick this beta branch by right clicking on the game in steam, selecting Properties->Betas then selecting Beta_Arc750 in the Beta Participation dropdown.

--Corrupted Saves--

If your save files get corrupted, we do keep backups of the save file in the same folder as your other save games.

Step1: Locate your save folder.

It is located here: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Remnant2\Steam

In that folder will be a sub-folder named after your steam ID. There should only be one subfolder in there, so just check in there.

Step2: Backup that whole folder somewhere just in case

Step3: We keep up to 3 backups of both your profile and your save games. There will be profile.sav, and save_0.sav. These are your save files. The backups end in .bak1, .bak2, .bak3. .bak1 is the most recent.

Delete your .sav files and rename the backup files (.bak1) to have the .sav extension. This should restore you to a previously uncorrupted version of your save.

--UI Hitch on PC when Leaving Menu--

We've identified an issue here and already have a fix. This will get fixed with our first patch.


These links have helped many people get into their respective games and have also helped people get into R2. Let us know what works for you:


Nvidia GeForce Experience link this will install their software and updater:

Nvidia Game Ready drivers, stand alone driver installer, there are links to desktop and laptop versions of the card and you will need to select the relevant driver for your particular card:

Note: Use the clean install version and reboot after installing.


AMD Driver support:

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition

Remnant II: To the Retail - THQ Nordic to Distribute Upcoming Third-person Action-survival Shooter

Austin, Texas / Vienna, Austria, April 26th, 2023: Remnant is back! THQ Nordic, in cooperation with Gearbox Publishing, is bringing Remnant II to retail stores all over the world. This sequel to the best-selling Remnant: From the Ashes is currently in development with THQ Nordic’s Austin-based studio, Gunfire Games, the same studio that brought you Darksiders 3, Remnant: From the Ashes and Chronos: Before the Ashes.

Building on the original game, Remnant II introduces new weapons, gear, bosses, and biomes - including branching quest lines and an expanded Archetype system. Remnant II plunges players deeper into a devastated world requiring a mix of methodical and frenetic ranged and melee combat against cunning enemies and punishing boss battles. Enter the fray as a lone-wolf or even the odds by teaming up with two friends to overcome daunting challenges.

To celebrate this partnership, we invite you to check out the "Best Friends Trailer" on YouTube:

Remnant II will be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2023 at an SRP of € 49.99/$ 49.99/£ 44.99.

Remnant II on social media:
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Highly Anticipated Sequel to Fan-Favorite Remnant: From the Ashes
Coming in 2023


Redwood City, CA – December 8, 2022 – Gearbox Publishing and Gunfire Games have announced Remnant II, the sequel to the best-selling game Remnant: From the Ashes, a third-person action-survival shooter that pits the last remnants of humanity against the harrowing forces of evil. Remnant II evolves the co-op survival shooter with new unseen worlds filled with deadly surprises and encounters. Join the battle to save humanity in a dynamically generated world filled with branching quest lines, unique loot, and overwhelming odds that encourage exploration and replayability either alone or in three-person co-op. Players will define their own playstyle with an expanded Archetype class system and a wide assortment of guns, armor, and special augmentations as they overcome hard-fought challenges to stave off humanity’s extinction. Remnant II will be available on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2023.


Remnant II plunges players deeper into a devastated world requiring a mix of methodical and frenetic ranged and melee combat against cunning enemies and punishing boss battles. Enter the fray as a lone-wolf or even the odds by teaming up with two friends to overcome daunting challenges. Each time players start a new playthrough of Remnant II they will be brought into a new world built from a wide pool of locations, enemies, NPCs, bosses, and weapons. These dynamically built levels allow for unique experiences as elements are woven organically into the world and narrative.


An updated Archetype system gives players more flexibility to their play style and lets groups better sync unique passive abilities and stunning powers together in co-op play. Multiple Archetypes can be unlocked, leveled up, and equipped together for a wider variety of play styles.


“It is awesome to once again partner with Gunfire Games on this highly anticipated sequel,” said Yoon Im, president of Gearbox Publishing San Francisco. “The studio’s passion for the Remnant franchise and their expertise at crafting compelling worlds along with engaging combat scenarios shines through in Remnant II. The game will be challenging and punishing, but most importantly, so much fun!”


“We are excited to delve back into the world of Remnant with the team at Gearbox Publishing,” said David Adams of Gunfire Games. “There are so many interesting stories to tell, vicious enemies to vanquish, exciting loot to grab, Archetypes to experiment with, and heart-pumping action for players to experience with their friends. We can’t wait for everyone to play it next year”


To learn more about Remnant II, please visit:



Founded in 2016, Gearbox Publishing was established with the goal of helping developers around the world bring their products to market while retaining their unique creative visions. The mission began with the critically-acclaimed Homeworld Remastered Collection for PC, and has since been followed by many partnerships that include Hello Neighbor, Astroneer, We Happy Few, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Remnant: From the Ashes, the Torchlight series, Have a Nice Death, Risk of Rain 2, Tribes of Midgard, and PlayStation® 5 launch title, Godfall. Gearbox Publishing remains committed to its mission to entertain the world and become the most developer-friendly publisher in the industry. The Gearbox Entertainment Company is a proud member of the Embracer Group AB family of companies, which is publicly traded at Nasdaq First North (EMBRAC B). For more information, visit


Gunfire Games is a PC, console and VR game developer based in Austin, Texas. The studio’s core team grew from the ashes of Vigil Games, best known for creating the Darksiders franchise as well as the best-selling Oculus Rift title, Chronos. Founded with a passion for creating games with great worlds, the team continues this mission with Remnant II. For more information about Gunfire Games and Remnant II visit

Gunfire Games turns 8 years old today!

We’re celebrating our 8-year Anniversary here at Gunfire Games. 8 years! In that time, we’ve worked on and released 8 games. Herobound, Herobound: Spirit Champion, Chronos, Dead and Buried, From Other Suns, Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition, Darksiders III, and Remnant: From the Ashes. That’s a lot of content! Even more so, it’s a testament to the amazing team we’ve built at Gunfire Games. We started 8 years ago with roughly a dozen people and grown to a little shy of 100 people since then.  A company is just a name and office space without fantastic people working there. We appreciate all the amazing developers who have joined us on the journey and made an immeasurable impact on the game’s we’ve released.

Speaking of games, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to make the games that we’ve wanted to make since we’ve started up. In case you can’t tell we love building games with expansive worlds, deep lore, and tight gameplay. We’ve found partners in publishing who have shared that passion and allowed us the space to really develop some unique titles.

What would games be without the people who play them? We’re extremely grateful for the level of passion and support the community has shown us even from the earliest days. We want to thank our fans, new and old, for the 8 years of support! Here’s to many more!

Chronos 6 year Anniversary!

It’s been 6 years since the release of our first original game, Chronos! This was built for the ground up as an Oculus VR title. When we started development on this title we knew we wanted to create a rich world to explore, deep lore and tight combat. From initial development to completion we had less than a year of development time.

The world of Chronos served as foundation for our most recent game, Remnant: From the Ashes. A more robust and larger experience, Remnant’s deep lore and world wouldn’t have existed without Chronos.

Then, just 2 years ago we released a refined port of Chronos for non-VR platforms, called Chronos: Before the Ashes. This gave non-VR players a chance to see where it all started!

Check out the Developer Spotlight video below from just before the release of Chronos for the Oculus:

Remnant: From the Ashes - Two Years of Surviving

Hard to believe it’s been 2 years since Remnant: From the Ashes was first released. This is a game we had wanted to make for years prior to it’s release. If you played our VR game Chronos from 2016, or it’s non-VR version released last year, you can see the origins for the ideas of Remnant. The Dreamers, the World Stones, the boss fights, and the cryptic story telling. It all started here.

Then there was our Hit VR Game, From Other Suns, released 4 years ago in 2017. In that game we started to dabble with co-op(3 player, no less), shooter focused gameplay, a randomly generated world, and higher than average difficulty. Any one who has played From Other Suns can see the DNA of Remnant: From the Ashes in that game without a doubt.

The base game, new game modes and two DLCs later, we can’t believe the support we’ve received and the passion the community has shown for us and Remnant: From the Ashes. Thank you to all the players out there from everyone at Gunfire Games!
